Money 101

Inevitably while discussing daily habits and personal development, the topic of money comes up.

There are many great resources out there that explain all the concepts you need to know. I don’t pretend to be the expert. What has made me somewhat successful in this area is that I set up systems early on to help me stay on top of my finances.

Here are the top 4 important things to consider if you want to manage your money better:

  1. Develop the proper money mindset
  2. Understand the basics of assets and liabilities, setting a budget, cash flow and debt
  3. Implement systems to automate your finances as much as possible
  4. Have regular check-ins on where you are versus your goals and what actions you need to take

If you’re interested, please sign up for my free guide to Money 101 (the basics) and 102 (Systems and Tools). I hope this helps you on your journey.